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Graduation Day 2014


Saturday September 20th marked the 16th anniversary of BSN’s Graduation Day ceremony, held in the majestic Kurhaus Hotel in Scheveningen, the Netherlands. This year was even more memorable since we were able to award the MBA diploma to the first ever BSN student from Suriname. “Another country added to the BSN family,” smiles proud CEO Juanita Bouwer.

BSN Graduates 2014BSN Graduates 2014
Click on the image to enlarge.

With family members from The Netherlands, Czech Republic, China, Suriname, Curacao, South Africa, Iran, Ghana and Nigeria, that family can be called ‘extended’. During the 16th Business School Netherlands Graduation Ceremony, 207 students received their MBA diplomas: 70 from The Netherlands, 1 from Suriname, 3 from Ghana, 9 International MBA students from countries like Curacao, Iran and South Africa, 64 graduates from China, 56 from Nigeria and 4 from the Czech Republic. 112 Students from the aforementioned countries attended the ceremony in Scheveningen, which could be followed live via BSN’s social media account at the trending hashtag #BSNgrad14.

‘Graduation Day for me is very special as it is the culmination of all the years of effort by our students towards completing this excitingly different journey. Exciting, because we know that we have equipped all these people to act in an Action Learning way and to go out there and make a real difference,’ says Bouwer. ‘Furthermore, it is always very special to see all the diverse cultures of our students and therefore all the places we have been able to spread Action Learning to.

‘Any words of wisdom for the new alumni from the CEO? ‘The learning journey never ends! Our graduates must continue to develop themselves with continual learning opportunities, both formally and informally. Remember… always keep asking questions!’

Special words were dedicated to Willem Leijten, a student whose average score of 82% gave him the highest cum laude score of all graduating students, winning him the Award for Outstanding Achievement. BSN alumnae Carla Derijck and Flora Palimetakis both received the Q gold certificate confirming their Questioning insights. Since receiving their MBAs they have dedicated over 500 hours of management development to themselves and others. Last but most certainly not least, dean and programme manager Wil Uylenbroek was called to the centre stage: after 21 loyal years he bids our business school farewell to enjoy his well-deserved retirement.

BSN’s founder Dick Gerdzen also had a fantastic day. “Seeing the shining faces of graduates when they are given their diplomas remains a great moment to witness every year,” says Gerdzen; “The happiness on their faces after having worked so hard for all these years. Graduation Day is a big event with only smiling, happy people all around; always a remarkable day. An MBA truly helps you and your organisation forward. I hope all alumni will apply the Action Learning skills they have mastered, not only in their own organisations but also in community uplifting projects around them. If you have a good idea, please contact the Dick Gerdzen Foundation and put it on the table.”


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