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BSN introduces Smart Reading

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As of January 2014 course in efficient speed-reading part of BSN’s MBA programmes.


SmartReadingStudying would be remarkably faster – and easier – when students had to spend less time reading different books and texts. Smart Reading teaches students to read faster with increased concentration, enabling them to remember more – up to at least 30 percent more information! For Business School Netherlands this proved more than enough of a reason to offer Smart Reading as a steady aspect of all MBA programmes.

What does this mean in practice? The most important thing is that students need significantly less time to read texts and books. By activating your ‘visual reading centre’ you remove the brakes and will be able to explore a text at your top possible reading speed while increasing your comprehension and storing the text’s meaning in your long-term memory. During the training students will learn to read effectively at speeds of 4 to 10 times faster than currently. Through the process of mind mapping it will make it easier to establish links between different books and texts. Both managers and students are very enthusiastic about the method.

Jaucke Hamstra, Business School Netherlands – The Netherlands, is very excited about introducing the course. “Smart Reading decreases the workload of your studies. Having to read texts the ‘normal’ way takes much more time. Moreover, being able to read speedily, smart, whilst remembering more is a skill one can apply for the rest of ones life,” says Hamstra. “Students do the training at the beginning of the MBA programme. Subsequently they take tests, which examine the information discussed in the texts. This offers students the chance to familiarise themselves with the study material before classes have even started.”

Interested? Watch this space for more information about the upcoming SmartReading workshops.

