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Dissertation and Viva Voce


This is the Master’s degree Dissertation for the MBA programme. Viva Voce is an oral examination in which the Researcher presents a summary of his/her Master’s Dissertation to the Examiners. A Master’s Dissertation project focuses primarily on Corporate Strategy. The Examiners pose questions to the Researcher to enable the Researcher to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the subject matter.


      ⦁    To demonstrate that sufficient knowledge has been acquired in different subjects in the earlier phases of the programme.

      ⦁    To demonstrate expertise in the subject matter.

     ⦁    To demonstrate that the thesis is your own work.

     ⦁    To confirm that you understand what you have written and can defend it verbally.

     ⦁    To investigate your awareness of where your original work sits in relation to the wider research field.


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