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MBA Scholarship at Your Fingertips: Interview with Oanh Nguyen

MBA Scholarship at Your Fingertips: Interview with Oanh Nguyen


Written by Business School Nederland
Wednesday, 01 May 2013

The Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) allows managers from developing countries to enrol for a European accredited MBA, with a 100% scholarship. We spoke to some of these eligible candidates while they were attending an International MBA conference at the BSN Buren Campus.


Oanh-NguyenOanh Nguyen from Vietnam
International MBA Student (set N61)

Why do you wish to pursue this programme?
“The MBA programme of Business School Netherlands matches my current demands as the programme will help me to enhance my problem-solving and communication skills. This will be a firm foundation for my future career in this rapidly changing, highly challenging and very competitive local and global environments. Furthermore, it offers me the possibility to meet local and international students and to learn from managing experiences of various universities.”

How will your employer benefit from this programme?
“I will put my gained knowledge and skills to work for my employer, Hue College of Economics, where I am working as assistant Dean of Economics Information System Faculty. As I want to specialize in the principles of Human resource management (HRM), I can advise the other faculties as well when it comes to HRM problems. Secondly, I will continue doing highly practical-applied researches. Thirdly, I will organise seminars to share and exchange knowledge with my colleagues. Fourthly, I will diversify my management skills whereby the focus is to match theory and practice in solving problems relating to management and organisation in Human resource. Fifthly, I will try to select the most advanced and suitable management models to apply to the conditions of our college. Sixthly, I will continue taking part in training courses, programmes, projects, etc, because through these activities I am able to improve the capacity of human resource management. Finally, I will build close relationships between the Netherlands and Vietnam by coordinating in education, economic development and poverty reduction. For instance, based on new relationships with lectures, professors, institutes, and universities in the Netherlands, I will try to foster an agreement for exchanging students as well as lecturers between my own university and partners in the Netherlands.”

How will your country benefit from this programme?
“Globalization and international integration have forced management to apply scientific technology, e-knowledge and new management theories to confront opportunities and challenges inside and outside of organisations. Today’s management must innovate to meet the needs from the constant changing of the business environment which affects the organisations. Overlaps and lacks of scientific management methods lead to the weakness and the inadequacies in many organisations in Vietnam. Therefore, management skills and knowledge are considered important factors to promote reform processes for improving operations within organisations. I do believe that the knowledge and skills I gain from this programme will make a wonderful contribution to the development of management in the human resource field in Vietnam.”

What is the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP)? >

More information on our International MBA Programme >
