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Interview Stedman Graham: “Don’t stop learning”

Interview Stedman Graham: “Don’t stop learning”

Companies benefit little from employees who spend their days doing the same thing over and over again with no vision or drive. Staff members need to have the opportunity to develop their knowledge, talents, and skills say identity expert Stedman Graham. This triggers creativity, loyalty, and productivity at the office, resulting in stronger and more dynamic businesses.

Stedman Graham

Stedman GrahamApply, don’t repeat, information
Learning itself is not the most important element, he added. The way one is expected to learn is equally if not more important. “We are stuck in a traditional system that teaches us to learn by memorising, repeating information, and taking tests. By doing so, you won’t learn much,” Graham said. The Action Learning method, in that regard, is considerably more efficient. “You have to learn how to take in information and apply that information to who you are, to your skills set and your talents.”

Staff members who receive the chance to develop themselves professionally are a true asset to any organisation, Graham said. This is because they stimulate a business’ internal creativity to solve problems and moving forward. This is important, particularly in times of setbacks due to external factors.


Trendsetters through adaptation
Besides developing staff members, the strength of a company’s corporate identity plays a role too in mediating change. The reason is simple: businesses with a strong identity know who they are, where they are going, and how they got there. “You have a turning, a calling, a purpose and a mission. It is not just about the money,” Graham said.

“When you understand your purpose… you will be able to make adjustments based on these changes for the benefit of the company. This enables you to grow because you are not affected so much by all these changes. You almost become a trendsetter.”